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What We Do

Our Services

Community Engagement

The inequitable access to MOUD exemplifies the health disparities that have impacted marginalized communities for generations. NCSTAR is committed to addressing these disparities by engaging in discussions with community partners about improving equitable access to MOUD in North Carolina.

Clinical Services

NC STAR Network ensures clinicians have the tools they need to treat addiction in their facility. The academic centers of NCSTAR are staffed with specialty trained physicians and staff who can manage the care of patients with higher level treatment needs. Partner sites in NCSTAR can consult with the academic centers to learn when and how to make patient referrals to higher level of care.

Didactic Trainings

NCSTAR didactics offer free CME that meet the DEA MATE requirement. Didactics focus on evidenced based treatment of substance use and stigma/bias.

Improving Equitable Access

Inequitable access to MOUD in NC mirrors that of national reports. NCSTAR is committed to addressing these disparities.

Peer Support Initiatives

NC STAR Network values the role of professionals with lived experience with substance use. We support partner sites who employ Peer Support Specialists through several initiatives.

Network Building

NCSTAR Network breaks down silos by directly linking community programs to allow for easy referrals and conversations. We provide linkages between primary care, opioid treatment programs, syringe service programs and behavioral health programs to allow providers across disciplines easy access to communicate with each other.

Provider Forum

The Provider Forum is an opportunity to collaborate with other healthcare professionals engaged in addiction treatment work.

Stigma Reduction

Stigma is a known barrier to treatments for substance use disorders. NCSTAR work is focused on stigma reduction through network building, didactics and other services.

Technical Assistance

Technical assistance options range from didactic training, mentorship and policy development to assist with moving from ‘training’ to ‘prescribing’.

Community Collaboration

NCSTAR Network utilizes an innovative network model to create relationships across the medical community and supportive services, allowing multiple avenues to reach organizations “where they are.”

Examples of network building include connections between:

+ OTPs and primary care sites

+ primary care sites and syringe services programs

+ jails and treatment programs.

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